Growth scenarios for the Wellington Region: Towards 2041 - BERL, 2014
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What could the Wellington Region look like in 2021, 2031 or 2041 if long-term investments and plans were made now in different areas of the economy? The BERL CGE model has been used to consider four alternative futures for the Wellington Region. Two of these scenarios are based on the Wellington Regional Strategy (WRS) focus areas of commercialisation of innovation and building world-class infrastructure. The aspirational scenario considers what the Wellington Region could look like if the economic development activities proposed under the WRS are achieved, if sustainable economic activity is built on the key strengths of the Region, and if the resident population was to grow due to the attraction of businesses and investment, and improved connections to and from the Region. These three scenarios are compared to a Business as Usual scenario, which considers the size and shape of the economy if short to medium-term economic growth trends continue.