LGOIMA response to request 2022-057 - May 2022
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Request for information 2022-057
“Forest & Bird is currently developing a league table comparing the efforts of every single council in the country and their track record of addressing the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss...
We therefore request the following information under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act:
1. Does your council have a climate change strategy?
2. Does your council have an implementation plan for your climate strategy?
3. How do you measure outcomes relating to the achievement (or not) of the objectives of your climate change strategy?
4. Does your council have a biodiversity strategy?
5. Does your council have an implementation plan for your biodiversity strategy?
6. How do you measure outcomes relating to the achievement (or not) of the objectives of your biodiversity strategy?
7. Has your council mapped its Significant Natural Areas (SNAs)? Are these maps in your operative District Plan?
8. How many SNAs have you identified in your district/region? Could you please quantify the total area these SNAs represent?
9. How does your council maintain SNAs?
10. How many consents have you issued in the last five years to allow for vegetation clearance in SNAs? How many have been declined?
11. Do you have vegetation clearance rules that enable identification of additional SNAs through the consenting process?
12. How often does your council monitor SNAs?”."