The Waiōhine I Rakahanga River Plan
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The Waiōhine I Rakahanga River Plan sets the Greytown community's vision for better flood and erosion risk management, and the improvement and restoration of the living river corridor.
The Plan is the result of many years of investigations and planning by Greater Wellington and the community Project Team, made up of members of the local Wairarapa community, with the support of Ngāti Kahungunu, Rangitāne o Wairarapa, and other stakeholders.
As a community developed-document, the Waiōhine River Plan is different from other Greater Wellington plans. It is a living document, viewing the river as a holistic, living, changing entity and incorporates environmental, cultural, social, and economic outcomes for the river. Responsibility for the Plan rests on the collective shoulders of the community, iwi, all other stakeholders and statutory bodies and Greater Wellington itself.
Visit the Waiōhine Action Group (WAG) website for more information: