LGOIMA Response to Request 2022-064 - 15 June 2022
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Request for information - 2022-064
“May I please be sent a list or map of all bus-stops in Lower Hutt (Hutt City Council territory), identifying
- which have a modern bus shelter (with year of upgrade, or age),
- which have an old bus shelter (age bracket if possible), and
- which have no shelter.
- which busstops are scheduled for upgrade to a modern shelter, and when this is programmed to happen (financial year is fine).
Please also provide detail of annual capital and operational expenditure on bus infrastructure in Lower Hutt. And advise what is the rough capital cost of a basic new shelter, and the cost over recent years of new/upgraded large or more elaborate shelters such as Queensgate and War Memorial Library. And detail of capex and opex on all other bus facilities, including depots, within Lower Hutt City.
Further to this, please include the location and installation plans for real-time displays in Lower Hutt, and the spend on these in recent years.”