Sites of significance for indigenous marine biodiversity in the Wellington Region – 2021 update
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Abstract: This report provides new information for sites of significance already listed in PNRP Schedule F4 and F5 (Evans Bay Adamsiella algal beds, Kāpiti Island rhodolith beds, Cook Strait shelf-edge canyons, Opouawe Bank methane seeps, kelp bed habitat on exposed rocky sub-tidal reefs, giant kelp (Macrocystis) beds, deep sea wood-fall/Xyloplax habitat), and three new sites assessed as meeting the RPS/NZCPS significance criteria (Kāpiti Island anemone meadows, horse mussels in Evans Bay, Mataikona Reef seagrass, outer Cook Strait seamounts).
Reference: Nelson WA, Bowden D, D’Archino R, MacDiarmid A, Mountjoy J, Peart R, Rowden A, Watson S. 2021. Sites of significance for indigenous marine biodiversity in the Wellington Region – 2021 update. NIWA Client Report 2020351WN, prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council, November 2021. 92p.
Author: Nelson, Bowden, D’Archino, MacDiarmid, Mountjoy, Peart, Rowden and Watson. NIWA