Hutt Corridor Study Stage 2

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  • Published Date Fri 01 Nov 2002

This document outlines Stage 2 of the strategic approach
that will be used by Wellington Regional Council to develop
a Hutt Corridor Plan, as part of the Region's wider
transport strategy.

The Hutt Corridor Plan Study is the second corridor study
to be undertaken in the Wellington Region.

This corridor links Wairarapa, Hutt Valley, Porirua, Kapiti
and Wellington City. This is a multi-modal corridor with
highways, major local roads, rail and bus services playing
a major role in daily travel patterns.

The purpose of this study is to identify present and future
transport needs and deficiencies in the corridor. Solutions
will be developed that address those needs and deficiencies.

The objectives that have guided the development of the
Hutt Corridor Plan are those of the Regional Land
Transport Strategy. These are:
- Maintain and improve accessibility and economic
- Improve road safety;
- Maintain and improve economic efficiency;
- Maintain and improve affordability;
- Promote sustainability; and
- Provide a balance between passenger transport and
roading networks
Updated December 6, 2022 at 11:48 PM