You've spoken, we've heard

Key to the work of Te Awarua-o-Porirua Whaitua Committee is to identify  what the community values (PDF 2.8 MB)  about the waterways within the whaitua.

The committee attended community events, ran an online survey and held public workshops earlier in 2016 to hear what local people in the Porirua region had to say about why their waterways are important to them. Over 500 responses were received.

Valuing water

The Committee have pulled together  what the community values (PDF 2.8 MB)  about their water.

Upcoming work will explore the opportunities to realise these values in managing land and water into the future.

The values will guide the committee's work and underpin the Whaitua Implementation Programme (WIP) developed for Te Awarua-o-Porirua Whaitua. This WIP will contain recommendations for managing activities that impact water quality, such as managing stormwater impacts and how much water can be taken from streams.

What is a value? 

A value is an intrinsic quality, use or potential use of water or a water body that people appreciate. Values help guide how we might manage activities that affect water into the future.

These values will underpin the Committee’s decision making, as they consider different options for land and water management depending on how these community and mana whenua values are affected.

Understanding values and how they are described is important in assessing potential options. 

Updated December 14, 2021 at 1:00 PM

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