Consultation delivers expanded bus service for Churton Park

  • Published Date 20 Feb 2015

Two new bus routes - to provide a more convenient, affordable service that meets the needs of rapid growth - are being proposed for Churton Park residents after extensive community consultation.

"With more than 1800 new residents expected in the suburb over the next few years, leaving the current bus route unchanged is not an option, says Paul Swain, Greater Wellington Regional Council's Public Transport portfolio leader.

"The current route runs on a long, one way loop that has been extended over time to accommodate new housing development. This loop has reached a length where it's not able to be extended further to accommodate new growth without adding considerable travel time for passengers. Buses currently take around 25 minutes to make the loop which adds significant travel time for passengers returning home to streets that would be just a few minutes on a conventional 'there and back' bus route."

Following extensive consultation since 2012, Regional Council staff worked with local community volunteers last year to design new bus routes for Churton Park which find cost effective ways to serve both the established and new growth areas of Churton Park. These options were distributed for consultation to all households in Churton Park at the end of 2014 and feedback was received from 387 residents.

It's now proposed that Churton Park be served by two new bus routes, replacing the current route 54, from 2017. This will consist of a primary bus route which runs through the middle of Churton Park and a secondary bus route which runs to the outer areas of Churton Park.

The proposed new bus routes will expand bus services in Churton Park to new areas around Melksham Drive, Furlong Crescent and Churton Drive. They will also reduce travel times to areas around Chorley Grove by around 20 minutes.

"To ensure the new services remain affordable for ratepayers the last bus on the secondary route may leave Wellington City around 7pm. However, only a very small number of people would be affected. The Churton Park Community Association has provided constructive feedback modifying the proposed bus routes to minimise walking distance in the evening for affected bus stops in areas around Amesbury Drive, Furlong Crescent and Burbank Crescent."

At off peak times during the day and on weekends passengers on the secondary route would need to make a timed connection at Johnsonville to another bus for travel through to Wellington City. Routes and times have been designed so that most bus users will not need to connect between buses.

The Regional Council will work with the Community Association to fine tune the bus departure times and on other proposals.

"The new routes provide good coverage and frequency while ensuring that the bus service is efficient for the ratepayer and avoids running more buses than required at times when there is little demand."

For media comment, phone 021 914 266

Wellington City Bus Network update - report to Council February 2015 (PDF 639 KB)

Churton Park and Glenside Community Consultation Report (PDF 1.6 MB)


Updated April 29, 2022 at 11:30 AM

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