Getting students active - Movin’March registrations continue to roll in

  • Published Date 03 Dec 2021

Early bird registrations are now open for Movin’March, Greater Wellington’s month long initiative encouraging students to wheel, walk or scoot to school.

Greater Wellington Travel Choice Coordinator Kirsty Barr said so far 92 schools have jumped on board, and schools have until March 2022 to sign up but only until 10 December for a chance to win one of six $100 Prezzy Cards.

“Earlier this year, Movin’March saw an impressive 132 schools taking part, that’s a potential of over 37,000 students getting active!” added Barr.

The large uptake in participation ties in well with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s impending launch of Te Haerenga o Ngā Tamariki, a prototype tool that anonymously records how students travel to school.

Tamariki (children) from Movin’March schools that opt in will be first in line to access the new tool with the ability to collect data during March and beyond.  This will give valuable insight into how students currently travel and promote discussion about mode choice, health and sustainability. 

Greater Wellington’s goal is to see engagement numbers surpass those of 2021, which climbed to an impressive 162,594 walking and wheeling trips logged by students across the region.

2022’s edition of Movin’March also sees the theme of sustainability continue with planet friendly resource packs. This year as well as 12 x $400 MYRIDE vouchers being up for grabs there’ll also be 5 x Micro Scooters and 10 x Family Passes to Staglands or Zealandia to giveaway. 

Greater Wellington councillor and Transport Committee Chair Roger Blakeley said, “We really encourage all schools to get involved and inspire their students to get active. Helping to ingrain these habits early and having fun while doing it will no doubt also contribute to our 2030 goals of a 35 per cent reduction in transport generated carbon emissions and 40 per cent increase in active travel and public transport mode share.

“Not only is it a fun way for students to get out in the fresh air with friends, being active is so beneficial for young people’s independence and wellbeing,” added Cr Blakeley.

Members of the public, schools and interested parties keen to get Movin’ in March can visit for more information.

Updated December 3, 2021 at 11:30 AM

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