Greater Wellington welcomes Government announcement on Fair Pay Agreements

  • Published Date 07 May 2021

Greater Wellington welcomed today's Fair Pay Agreement announcement from the Government, calling it a step change for essential workers across the region.

Greater Wellington Chair Daran Ponter described the move as an crucial tool for economic recovery and vital to improving the wages and conditions for people in low paying industries.

"Overseas evidence shows that Fair Pay Agreements not only lead to improved wages, conditions and training for employees, but they also provide real benefits for employers too, with worker satisfaction, productivity, and recruitment all getting a boost,” said Cr Ponter

The Government has pledged $250,000 a year to help BusinessNZ, the Council of Trade Unions and employers agree and set minimum standards for employees and employers in an industry or occupation.

Roger Blakeley, chair of Greater Wellington's Transport Committee, said the move would make a real difference to people working in public transport.

"As we've seen right through Covid-19 environment, public transport workers provide a hugely valuable and essential service. They do an amazing job and provide an excellent service for the region's communities and now we have another tool to help improve their pay, standards and working environments," said Cr Blakeley.

Fair Pay Agreements were one of the recommendations from the Rt Hon Jim Bolger led working group in 2019. The Government will now aim to introduce legislation this year, which is expected to pass and come into action in 2022.

Updated March 30, 2022 at 2:12 PM

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