Wellington City Council and Greater Wellington support acceleration of major LGWM projects

  • Published Date 18 Aug 2023
  • Author Emma Harrison
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Wellington City Council and Greater Wellington Regional Council have thrown their support behind announcements today that the Government will be looking to accelerate long delayed transport solutions for the city.

As part of the Government’s Draft Policy Statement on Transport, 14 key strategic projects have been identified for Waka Kotahi to consider, two of these are for Wellington.  One is the second Mt. Victoria tunnel, upgrades to the Basin Reserve and Arras Tunnel, and the other project delivers mass rapid public transport between Wellington CBD to Island Bay.

The Government has signaled it will take the lead on projects on the state highway network as well as accelerating works. Greater Wellington and Wellington City Council will continue to work with Waka Kotahi on local streets, roads, precincts and public transport.

Wellington Mayor Tory Whanau says it’s a move that will have long-lasting benefits for the programme, its partners, and communities.  “We’ve been a strong supporter of the programme outcomes and the potential it has to unlock housing and business growth in Wellington.

“Over the next 30 years, it’s projected that 50,000 to 80,000 more people will call Wellington home. As civic leaders we need to champion transformational change to support our city’s growing population against a backdrop of climate change. We know that internationally mass rapid public transport, especially light rail, has been a significant catalyst of housing and urban development and this presents an exciting opportunity for Wellington.”

Chair of Greater Wellington, Daran Ponter, says despite the big challenges and scope the programme has persevered and delivered to date.

“Today’s announcement is an important and clear commitment by Government to the LGWM projects and for all of the partners who can play to their strengths nationally and locally.

“It remains to be seen how the announcement from Government will speed up the big transformational projects now under their purview but it’s a good first step that will push the programme forward,” says Chair Ponter.

Let’s Get Wellington Moving is a joint initiative between, Greater Wellington, Wellington City Council and Waka Kotahi. These organisations are supported by our mana whenua partners Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika and Ngāti Toa Rangatira.

Updated August 18, 2023 at 8:51 AM

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