Why do I need a permit? 

Certain activities in Greater Wellington regional parks and forests require written permission. If activities were not managed, these actions could adversely affect natural or cultural resources, or they could lead to conflicts between park users. Operating a system of permits is an effective method of managing resources and minimising potential conflicts. 

What sort of permit do I need? 

If you are planning on: 

  • Camping
  • Hunting introduced animals
  • Trail biking (motorbikes and quad bikes)
  • Research, including collecting material 

You require an activity permit.  

If you are one of the following: 

  • Horse rider
  • Contractor
  • Landowners requiring access  
  • Four-wheel drive club
  • Emergency services 
  • Staff  

You require a Special Access Permit. 

Activities and access can vary from park to park, so check the park specific information below.

Permits are usually issued unless the area or resource is already fully booked or allocated. 

Activity permit applications

The following activities require a permit. If your intended activity is not shown below, please contact the relevant park ranger in the first instance. More information is available on fees and conditions for managed (permitted) and non-commercial activities on the Concessions page. We will forward your permit or contact you to discuss your application within five working days.

Akatarawa Forest

Battle Hill Forest

Belmont Regional Park

East Harbour Regional Park

Hutt River Trail

Hutt Water Collection Area

Kaitoke Regional Park

Pākuratahi Forest

Queen Elizabeth Park

Find out more

If you did not find what you were searching for on this page and would like to ask any further questions please contact BusinessSupportHuttValley@gw.govt.nz or by calling 0800 496 734.

For information about Restricted activities in parks check Toitū Te Whenua Parks Network Plan and contact parksplanning@gw.govt.nz

Updated July 16, 2024 at 12:05 PM

Get in touch

0800 496 734