Greater Wellington looking forward to working with appellants on Proposed Natural Resources Plan

  • Published Date 20 Sep 2019

Greater Wellington Regional Council received 29 appeals by 5pm on 18 September on its Proposed Natural Resources Plan and will now work with the Environment Court and appellants to address the points raised.

The appeals to the Environment Court came from a range of organisations, iwi, community representatives and individuals, interested in the ongoing development and impact of the plan.

Matt Hickman, Manager of Environment Policy at Greater Wellington says the appeals are the next part of the regional plan process and Greater Wellington is looking forward to working with appellants to resolve appeals for the best outcome for the region.

"The proposed plan was developed over a decade following a review of five existing regional plans for the Wellington Region to understand how human activity affects our region's natural and physical resources," says Matt Hickman.

The new plan takes an integrated approach to managing fresh and coastal water, air and soil and discharges to land. It responds to key issues such as swimmable rivers and clean coastal waters along with safe drinking water, protection of significant sites and indigenous biodiversity.

"We continue to work closely with mana whenua, communities and individuals to refine a plan that protects the right things, in the right places.  We'll now work through each of the appeals starting with a mediation process to ensure the plan is fit for purpose," says Matt Hickman.

The decision version of the proposed plan was released in July after a decade of consultation with the community and reflects values expressed by the community and environmental bottom lines required by government.

Te Upoko Taiao, a co-governance committee with six appointed members from the region's mana whenua, was formed to oversee the development of the proposed plan and ensure that iwi views and perspectives were built in from the start.

For more information on the proposed plan visit:

Updated April 27, 2022 at 3:41 PM

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