Civil Defence Emergency Management policy and planning documents
CDEM Group Plan
The Wellington Regional Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan came into effect on 1 July 2019 and is a statutory requirement under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 (the CDEM Act).
The aim of the plan is to provide for a co-ordinated and integrated approach to the way significant risks and hazards in the Wellington region are managed. This will help ensure the community’s social, economic, cultural and environmental well-being, as well as safety of people and property. The plan sets the direction for Civil Defence Emergency Management in the Wellington region.
Section 48 of the CDEM Act requires each Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group to prepare and approve a civil defence emergency management group plan for its area. Section 52 of the CDEM Act also requires that the proposed Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan be publicly notified and submissions invited from interested persons and or organisations.
Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plans are developed through a consultative, multi-agency, all-hazards approach, incorporating the '4Rs' of reduction, readiness, response and recovery. Plans have a five-year operational period mandated by the CDEM Act. Civil Defence and Emergency Management Groups have well-established processes for planning, monitoring and review of documentation.
Additional Emergency Management documents
The Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan is supported by the:
- Wellington Region Emergency Management Office Annual Plan- key objectives, projects, targets and associated budget)
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and
- Community Resilience Strategy
Wellington Region Emergency Management Office Community Resilience Strategy

Resilient communities are able to plan for, respond to and thrive after a disastrous event. At the heart of a resilient community is a robust set of social networks which… Read more here

date_range Published 30 Sep 2014
Download now (PDF 1.5 MB) get_appWhereas the Group Plan provides the strategic direction (what and why), the Business Plan provides the how, where and when. The Business Plan (with its companion strategies) provides the direction for the WREMO Annual Plan as well as the operational plans of WREMO’s Civil Defence and Emergency Management partners (Councils, Lifeline and Welfare organisations, District Health Boards and Emergency Services).
For more information regarding Civil Defence Emergency Management publications contact the Wellington Region Emergency Management Office.
Get in touch
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- 0800496734
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