Active Travel Action - Activity Two
Active travel is good for us, our community, and our planet. Every person can make a difference by taking action either individually or implementing a change for many.
alarm Published 28 Sep 2021 -
Active Travel Action - Activity Three
Active travel is a practice we encourage all year round. Every person can make a difference by taking action either individually or implementing a change for many.
alarm Published 28 Sep 2021 -
Active Travel Action Resource
Exercising Kaitiakitanga and Manaakitanga - Developing Your Citizenship Muscles.
Together making a difference for you, your community and the planet - now and in the future! Kotahi tātou nga tāngata kaieke…alarm Published 28 Sep 2021 -
Walkability checklist
How walkable is your community? Take a walk with your class and use this checklist to rate your walking routes to school!
alarm Published 28 Sep 2021 -
Carbon calculator
The purpose of this activity is to measure individual carbon dioxide output for the school week to give baseline data to be able to compare before and after affects of…
alarm Published 28 Sep 2021 -
Map My Journey
The Map My Journey Activity teaches your students about choosing safer routes to and from school. Use it in class or send it home as an activity for students to…
alarm Published 28 Sep 2021 -
Park & Stride
Park and Stride encourages parents to drop their children further away from school so they can walk part way.
A Park and Stride scheme can reduce congestion issues around the school…alarm Published 28 Sep 2021 -
School Toolkit
Many schools in the Wellington Region are successfully encouraging students to walk, cycle or scoot to school. Children learn, grow and have fun when they get active on the way…
alarm Published 28 Sep 2021 -
Climate and Water Resources Summary for the Wellington Region
Winter 2021 continued a pattern of more or less relentless extreme weather systems, manifesting through both westerly and easterly flow. It was the warmest winter on record for the entire…
alarm Published 27 Sep 2021