Secure groundwater bores and wells for safe household water
If your water comes from a bore or a well, there are things you need to know.
Water used for drinking, teeth-cleaning, hand-washing, bathing, showering, food preparation and cooking needs to… -
Appendix 14: Sampling and Analysis Plan
This Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) has been prepared to address the areas of environmental concern (AEC) identified in previous reports; and to support the Contaminated Site Management Plan (CSMP)…
Shelly Bay Resource Consent Application (WGN220066)
This document is the original resource consent application for WGN220066.
Climate change projections for the Wairarapa
The climate of the Wairarapa is changing, and these changes will continue for the foreseeable future. It is internationally accepted that human greenhouse gas emissions are the dominant cause of…
Appendix 4: Stormwater Discharge Report & Plans
This document is a report of the stormwater design in relation to resource consent WGN220066.
Appendix 5: Earthworks & Construction Management Plan
This document outlines the Earthworks Construction Management Plan, which was prepared to accompany the resource consent application (WGN220066) for land disturbance works associated with the development.
The intention of this document…