Event details

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  • Date 8:30AM Wednesday 25th September 2019
  • Location Ōtaki River
  • Duration 4 hours
  • Cost Free; RSVP by 18 September 2019 to amanda.death@gw.govt.nz or call 04 830 4048

?taki River Annual Gathering 2019


Join us for the annual ?taki River Annual Gathering - it's your opportunity to learn first-hand from GW staff about the improvements we have made to the river bank over the past year, and get an overview of our plans for the future.

On the day you’ll be taken by bus up and down the river while discovering more about the implementation of the Floodplain Management Plan for the river and other maintenance work.

You will also be able to view the environmental enhancement and restoration works in progress.

The day is free. 

What to bring

Wear sturdy footwear and appropriate clothing - check the weather forecast.

Getting there

Heading north from Wellington, turn left immediately after the State Highway 1 bridge over the ?taki River and take the first driveway on the left at 89 Riverbank Road. You will see a sign at the driveway stating ‘Flood Protection ?taki Depot’.

Updated February 8, 2023 at 3:16 PM