Committee meeting details
Strategy and Policy Committee
Public Business
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of conflict of interest
3. Public participation
4. Confirmation of the minutes of 3 December 2014
- Report 1: 2014.647 (PDF 49 KB)
5. Jim Cooke Park Stopbank Reconstruction Feasibility Study: Preferred Option
- Report 1: 2015.9 (PDF 75 KB)
- Attachment 1: 2015.9a1 (PDF 269 KB)
- Attachment 2: 2015.9a2 (PDF 269 KB)
- Attachment 3: 2015.9a3 (PDF 273 KB)
- Attachment 4: 2015.9a4 (PDF 23 KB)
- Attachment 5: 2015.9a5 (PDF 330 KB)
- Attachment 6: 2015.9a6 (PDF 96 KB)
6. Hutt Valley Public Transport Review
- Report 1: 2014.547 (PDF 93 KB)
- Attachment 1: 2014.547a1 (PDF 535 KB)
- Attachment 2: 2014.547a2 (PDF 2.6 MB)
7. Summary of Financial Statements for the six months ended 31 December 2014
- Report 1: 2015.19 (PDF 224 KB)
8. General Managers' report
- Report 1: 2015.16 (PDF 62 KB)
9. Wellington Water Limited - Bulk Water Supply update
- Report 1: 2015.17 (PDF 36 KB)
End of record