Committee meeting details
Te Upoko Taiao - Natural Resources Plan Committee
Public Business
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of conflict of interest
3. Public participation
4. Confirmation of minutes of the meeting held on 21 April 2010
- Report 1: picture_as_pdf 2010.208 (PDF 69 KB)
5. Community engagement workshops
6. Arrangements for meetings with territorial authorities and iwi
7. Contaminated land and soil health
- Report 1: picture_as_pdf 2010.372 (PDF 3 MB)
- Minutes Extract 1: picture_as_pdf 2010 372 2 Minute Extract (PDF 12 KB)
8. Soil plan review
- Report 1: picture_as_pdf 2010.369 (PDF 47 KB)
- Attachment 1: picture_as_pdf 2010 369 2 Attachment (PDF 40 KB)
- Attachment 2: picture_as_pdf 2010 369 3 Attachment (PDF 34 KB)
- Minutes Extract 1: picture_as_pdf 2010 369 4 Minute Extract (PDF 12 KB)
9. Mana whenua discussion document
- Report 1: picture_as_pdf 2010.370 (PDF 211 KB)
- Minutes Extract 1: picture_as_pdf 2010 370 2 Minute Extract (PDF 12 KB)
10. Earthworks - current regulatory framework and the muddy waters programme
11. Next meeting Thursday, 2 September 2010
End of record