Wairarapa Moana K?kahi count
You are invited to take part in some hands-on scientific research. Wading and on-shore volunteers are needed to support k?
You are invited to take part in some hands-on scientific research. Wading and on-shore volunteers are needed to support k?
Bookings open 7 February 2018 Bookings essential. Moderate fitness required. Max 35 people.
Bookings are essential. Max 40 people. Join representatives from Ng? ti Toa Rangatira as they share stories about places of significance in the Porirua/Kapiti area.
Porirua is home to Wellingtons the best-kept mountain biking secret. This annual event will take you along new scenic trails around Colonial Knob/Rangituhi.
Bookings essential. Maximum 30 people. Good fitness required.
Bookings open 7 February 2018 Bookings essential. Good fitness required. Max 35 people.
Bookings essential. Maximum 22 people per session. Rongo? M? ori or traditional M? ori medicine encompasses various healing practices that are drawn from nature.