Committee meeting details

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  • Date 9:30AM Wednesday 10th December 2014
  • Location Wellington
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Updated July 22, 2021 at 4:59 PM

Public Business

1. Annual Rail Report 2013/14

2. Exclusion of the public

3. Report on the Wellington Regional Strategy Committee meeting 2 December 2014

4. Report on the Regional Transport Committee meeting 2 December 2014

5. Report on the Risk and Assurance Committee meeting 27 November 2014

6. Letter of Expectation to the Wellington Regional Stadium Trust

7. Appointment of a member to the Wairarapa Water Use Project Governance Group

8. Amendment to the membership of the Wellington Regional Strategy Committee

9. Appointment to the Regional Transport Committee

10. Apologies

11. Draft Climate Change Strategy

12. Variation to the Wellington Regional Land Transport Programme 2012-2015: SH58 Safety Improvements

13. Integrated Fares and Ticketing programme - update

14. Approval of the Parangarahu Lakes Area Co-Management Plan and Amendment

15. Confirmation of the minutes of the Parangarahu Lakes Parks Network Plan Hearing Subcommittee of 27 June 2014

16. Confirmation of the Public minutes of 5 November 2014 and the Public Excluded minutes of 5 November 2014

17. Public participation

18. Declarations of conflict of interest

Public Excluded Business

1. Te Awarua o Porirua Whaitua Committee membership

2. Proposed Property Purchases - Carterton

3. Park and Ride opportunities

4. Proposed Property Purchases - Upper Hutt

Restricted Public Excluded

1. Procurement of public transport services under PTOM

End of record