Committee meeting details
Transport & Access Committee
Public Business
Procedural Items
1. Apologies: Councillor Glensor
2. Conflict of Interest declarations
3. Public Participation
4. Confirmation of minutes of the meeting held on 30 July 2009
- Report 1: picture_as_pdf 2009.454 (PDF 36 KB)
1. Service Review update - September 2009
- Report 1: picture_as_pdf 2009.528 (PDF 26 KB)
- Attachment 1: picture_as_pdf 2009 528 2 Attachment (PDF 43 KB)
- Minutes Extract 1: picture_as_pdf 2009 528 3 Minute Extract (PDF 12 KB)
2. Integrated ticketing update
- Report 1: picture_as_pdf 2009.527 (PDF 33 KB)
- Minutes Extract 1: picture_as_pdf 2009 527 2 Minute Extract (PDF 12 KB)
3. Divisional Manager's Report
- Report 1: picture_as_pdf 2009.529 (PDF 242 KB)
- Minutes Extract 1: picture_as_pdf 2009 529 2 Minute Extract (PDF 12 KB)
4. Exclusion of the Public
- Report 1: picture_as_pdf 2009.532 (PDF 14 KB)
Public Excluded Business
1. Confirmation of public excluded minutes of the meeting held on 17 June 2009
End of record